Tanzania Leadership Team Hosts “New School” Informational Session With Local Youth

Kujali’s Tanzanian leadership team is getting the word out about Kujali’s “New School” Program, and the opportunities it will help create for low-income youth in Dar-es-Salaam.

Directors Suma Mwakanyamale and Abdulrahim Chotta, along with new Counselor Sakina Abdullah and Communications Coordinator David Edward, welcomed local youth at Kujali’s New School Center in Kinondoni, Dar-es-Salaam, this past week and provided a brief presentation on the key programs & services that will be available to members of the New School Program, as well as a Q&A session.                                                                            IMG_0302

Students came ready with great questions, and we’re excited about the level of interest among the students in applying for membership.  Some of their questions were:

  • Is payment of 5,000 Tsh membership fees ($2.50 per month) permanent?
  • How do we plan to inform other youth who are not in Kujali’s program currently?
  • Additional qualification for entry in the program?
  • What is the program duration for Kujali’s instructional courses?
  • Can one apply for both seed capital and scholarship?
  • If a business fails, can one re-apply for a business loan?
  • Youth cannot afford to meet all the costs without assistance. How can Kujali help?
  • Is there on-going support for the different services offered by Kujali?
  • Is there a maximum amount set for loans that will be offered?
  • What is the loan repayment period for capital advanced for business or school fees?

Applications will open next week, and will be followed by interviews, home visits, and final selections.  We look forward to keeping you informed and introducing to you our first “Kujali New School” class! Stay tuned.


The Kujali Team

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Kujali International designs, studies, and promotes learning innovations that radically improve educational opportunities for underserved youth.
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